
v> 案例非常,非常经典:开发信找到客户,但客户说价钱贵就连样板都不想看先来杀你个 价。以下是来信的内容。老规矩,敏感资料删去,其他的原汁原味上。 「您好 看了您的文章很受益,看到您这边征集案例,帮忙优化,我是外贸新人,刚好这几天的 在谈一个客户关于样品和大货的价格谈不拢,希望您帮我检查一下。多谢!! 阿里上认识的新客户,联系了一周,确定是买家。 给客户发了 CIF 价格之后没有回复,然后我说寄样品给他,他直接给了我地址,但是我 说样品收费,结果他说我大货价格贵,没必要买样品测试,就甩过来以下这封邮件;  “Hi J,You single price is out the budget, it is not worth purchasing the price. I am  looking for ABS at $6.00 per kg landed in AAA (maybe $7.00). Your price is too  high. It will be a waste to to purchase your sample at $13.00  (其实你们为什麽不奇怪,这个$6 是怎麽来的呢?篇的?还是有什麽公式算出来?又还 是他收过什麽样的报价?叔叔以 15 年採购经验大大声告诉你,跟你「三唔识七」,完全 不认识,这个所谓目标价有 8 成机会只是随口说说的!) Thank you  Regards“  夜里收到邮件我想了想还是回复吧,不然时差又会隔一天,隔夜联系感觉就不那么热乎 了,可是我又觉得我的回复会让客户离我更远。。。 请本书帮忙优化一下措辞。其实,我想表达的是市场上价格有便宜的但肯定不是好货, 只要有量,价格是可以谈的。以下是我的回复 (赞一下这位妹子的敬业精神) “Hi XXX,Thanks for your kind reply. (其实我一直想说,人家就来问个价这有什麽 kind 不 kind 的?就像上几篇说的 DEAR,有什麽好 DEAR 呀?哎,教科书害人。。) We do not doubt that you can got offer price at $7 or less CIF AAA from Chinese  market.  We can also manufacturing cheap cost product, however, it is unavoidably that  printout success chance (这裡我猜你是想说品质)will goes down and more after  sales serive request will come out. Which cost more time and not good for longtime cooperation.  For final price , if you are satisfied with testing result and for following quantity price of 100,500,2000,5000, I can ask a bottom price from my boss for you. (又 来了,原来你报的不是 bottom price, 原来你还有很多后著,原来你在等我压你 价。。。我衷心告诉你,一个专业的採购员看到你这句 bottom price 就会有我以上的反 应鸟。。。) By the way, does your target price $6(or $7) for every shipment no matter if the  quantity 100,500, 2000, or 5000kg?  (这一句。。。看出你真的是菜鸟。商业世界,99%的价格都是跟数量挂钩的)One of our regular customer from Australia choose us to be their filament  supplier after one week China factory visiting. Welcome to visit us if you have  time.  (我想赞一下这段。Reference 用得不错,不过说得一点点太神。看厂只是整个 buying  decision process 的一部分而已。) Thank you and best regards  J  好了,以下是我写的回信: Hi,  Thanks for having a chance to review our quotation. The target price $6 seem  challenging….may I know how do you come up with this target? I am very  interest to know the magic behind and would like to reasonably adjust and try to  match it. (一定要问!他可能真的有公式的,那麽也是你学习一下人家 costing 是怎样 做的好机会。反过来如果他是瞎掰的,有可能他就不再坚持了。将心比心想一想? Reasonably adjust 也就是表示我们是有空间的,有诚意的。)We’ve seen product with unbelievably low price locally in China, but I am not  sure we are talking in the same line. I believe you would agree functionality,  quality and after-sales service are keys to success in our industry. We all know  that a low price on the quotation could turns out to be never-ending trouble  (and carrying cost, of course) in the future.  (I believe you would agree…….we all know that…都是术啊!!套亲近啊!!我们的 看法一致啊!!这也客气地说了老外您不是蠢得不懂这个道理吧。。) Having said that, it is always our aim (也可以用 we intended ) to provide our  customer unparalleled quality product with affordable cost. What I would  suggest is that we review your annual demands of the product and lets come up  again a price-volume mix for your reference. Communication is always the key  to support our customer.  (看看如何高雅地说您多买多便宜这件事?还要时不时不忘自我宣传一下) For your reference, YYY in your regional market has been our long customer and  it’s seem that Aussie (假设是澳洲市场)are quite happy with our product.  Selling our product is proved to be profitable and reliable. I would be happy to  tell you more about our activity in your market if you are interested. (这也是个画龙点睛。老外一定有兴趣知道在他市场上的对手原来也是跟你买的!那麽 你一定是很懂他们市场也了解一些当地法规之类了吧。胜机又大了不少。) Let's keep the ball rolling.  Regards,  Ben  此篇的用语本人感觉还不错。不过,having said that,不要太过迷信一封电邮就能改变 世界。最后能不能成功斩获订单,靠的绝不止是你的几句英文说辞。

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